Command-line Interface Reference
Adjusts Australian dollars for inflation.
- -v, --version
- --install-completion <install_completion>
Install completion for the specified shell.
- Options
bash | zsh | fish | powershell | pwsh
- --show-completion <show_completion>
Show completion for the specified shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
- Options
bash | zsh | fish | powershell | pwsh
Builds the documentation.
- Args:
live (bool, optional): Whether or not to use sphinx-autobuild to automatically build the documentation as files are edited. Defaults to True.
ausdex docs [OPTIONS]
- --live, --no-live
- Default
Adjusts Australian dollars for inflation.
Prints output to stdout.
- Args:
value (float): The dollar value to be converted. original_date (str): The date that the value is in relation to. evaluation_date (str, optional): The date to adjust the value to. Defaults to the current date. location (Location, optional): The location for calculating the CPI.
Options are ‘Australia’, ‘Sydney’, ‘Melbourne’, ‘Brisbane’, ‘Adelaide’, ‘Perth’, ‘Hobart’, ‘Darwin’, and ‘Canberra’. Default is ‘Australia’.
- --evaluation-date <evaluation_date>
The date to adjust the value to. Defaults to the current date.
- --location <location>
The location for calculating the CPI.
- Default
- Options
Australia | Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Adelaide | Perth | Hobart | Darwin | Canberra
Required argument The dollar value to be converted. FLOAT
Required argument The date that the value is in relation to. STRING
Plot the Australian CPI over time.
- Args:
show (bool): Whether or not to show the figure in a browser. Default True. output (Path): The path to where the figure will be saved. Output can be PDF, SVG, JPG, PNG or HTML based on the extension. start_date (str, optional): Date to set the beginning of the time series graph. If empty, it defaults to 1948. end_date (str, optional): Date to set the end of the time series graph too. If empty, then the end date to the most recent quarter. location (List[location]): The location for calculating the CPI. title (str, optional): A custom title of the plot.
ausdex plot-cpi [OPTIONS]
- --show, --no-show
Whether or not to show the figure in a browser.
- Default
- --output <output>
The path to where the figure will be saved. Output can be PDF, JPG, PNG or HTML based on the extension.
- --start-date <start_date>
Date to set the beginning of the time series graph. Defaults to None, which starts in 1948.
- --end-date <end_date>
Date to set the end of the time series graph too. If empty, then the end date to the most recent quarter.
- --location <location>
The location for calculating the CPI.
- Options
Australia | Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Adelaide | Perth | Hobart | Darwin | Canberra
- --title <title>
A custom title of the plot.
Produces a plot of the percentage change from corresponding quarter of previous year.
- Args:
show (bool): Whether or not to show the figure in a browser. Default True. output (Path): The path to where the figure will be saved. Output can be PDF, SVG, JPG, PNG or HTML based on the extension. location (List[location]): The location for calculating the CPI.
ausdex plot-cpi-change [OPTIONS]
- --show, --no-show
Whether or not to show the figure in a browser.
- Default
- --start-date <start_date>
Date to set the beginning of the time series graph. Defaults to None, which starts in 1948.
- --end-date <end_date>
Date to set the end of the time series graph too. If empty, then the end date to the most recent quarter.
- --output <output>
The path to where the figure will be saved. Output can be PDF, JPG, PNG or HTML based on the extension.
- --location <location>
The location for calculating the CPI.
- Options
Australia | Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Adelaide | Perth | Hobart | Darwin | Canberra
- --title <title>
A custom title of the plot.
Plots a time series of dollar values attached to a particular date’s dollar value.
- Args:
compare_date (str): Date to set relative value of the dollars too. out (Path): The path to where the figure will be saved. Output can be PDF, JPG, PNG or HTML based on the extension. start_date (str, optional): Date to set the beginning of the time series graph. Defaults to None, which starts in 1948. end_date (str, optional): Date to set the end of the time series graph too. Defaults to None, which will set the end date to the most recent quarter. value (float, optional): Value you in compare_date dollars to plot on the time series. Defaults to 1.
ausdex plot-inflation [OPTIONS] COMPARE_DATE
- --show, --no-show
Whether or not to show the figure in a browser.
- Default
- --output <output>
The path to where the figure will be saved. Output can be PDF, JPG, PNG or HTML based on the extension.
- --start-date <start_date>
Date to set the beginning of the time series graph. Defaults to None, which starts in 1948.
- --end-date <end_date>
Date to set the end of the time series graph too. If empty, then the end date to the most recent quarter.
- --value <value>
Value you in compare_date dollars to plot on the time series. Defaults to 1.
- Default
- --location <location>
The location for calculating the CPI.
- Default
- Options
Australia | Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Adelaide | Perth | Hobart | Darwin | Canberra
Required argument Date to set relative value of the dollars too. STRING
Opens the repository in a web browser.
ausdex repo [OPTIONS]