Orthofinder Module
- Rule orthofinder[source]
Runs OrthoFinder on fasta files from the intake rule.
OrthoFinder runs to the point of orthogroup inference.
- Conda
channels: - bioconda - conda-forge dependencies: - orthofinder==2.5.4 - scipy==1.8.1
- Checkpoint orthogroup_classification[source]
Classifies orthogroups as single-copy or multi-copy or rejects them for not having enough sequences or taxa.
- Conda
channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - coreutils - python=3.10 - pip - seaborn - typer - open-fonts - coreutils - rich==12.4.1 - joblib==1.1.1 - plotly==5.22.0 - python-kaleido==0.2.1 - pip: - scipy==1.8.1 - pandas==1.4.3 - matplotlib==3.5.2
- Rule orthofinder_report_components[source]
Converts the orthofinder output to HTML components that will be used in the Orthoflow report.
- Conda
channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - coreutils - python=3.10 - pip - seaborn - typer - open-fonts - coreutils - rich==12.4.1 - joblib==1.1.1 - plotly==5.22.0 - python-kaleido==0.2.1 - pip: - scipy==1.8.1 - pandas==1.4.3 - matplotlib==3.5.2
- Rule orthosnap[source]
Run OrthoSNAP to retrieve single-copy orthologs.
- output
A directory with an unknown number of fasta files.
- config orthosnap_occupancy
by default it uses ortholog_min_seqs
- Conda
channels: - bioconda - conda-forge dependencies: # WARNING: The below versions **must** match the dependencies of orthosnap to allow the build to work on M1 macs. - numpy=1.20.1 - mafft=7.520 - fasttree=2.1.11 - pip - pip: - orthosnap==1.1.0
- Checkpoint orthofinder_all[source]
Collects all the SC-OGs and the SNAP OGs and creates symlinks for each in a single directory.
- config ortholog_min_seqs
Minimum number of sequences that needs to be in an alignment for it to proceed to phylogenetic analysis