Orthofisher Module
- Rule orthofisher_input_generation[source]
Runs orthofisher on input files of FASTA file and pHMM paths the intake rule.
- config orthofisher_hmmer_files
list of hmmer files for orthofisher
- Checkpoint orthofisher[source]
Runs orthofisher on input files of FASTA file and pHMM paths the intake rule.
- Conda
name: orthofisher channels: - conda-forge - bioconda dependencies: - coreutils - python=3.9 - hmmer=3.3.2 - pip - pip: - orthofisher>=1.0.4
- Checkpoint min_seq_filter_orthofisher[source]
List all the ortholog ids and puts them in a file.
Only keeps the orthologs with a minimum number of sequences. It also removes suffixes added to the IDs by orthofisher.
- config ortholog_min_seqs
Minimum number of sequences that needs to be in an alignment for it to proceed to phylogenetic analysis